Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Copyright and You

We'll be talking about copyright, fair use and remixing on Saturday. Here are some links that I'll be talking about and which you might find useful as you make informed decisions about which cultural resources you choose to use in your classroom.


  1. Thank you Dr. Knobel for posting those good linkings regarding copyright. It happens to be one of the target concepts for my conceptual essay. I read some articles on remix copyright and an argument raised from the articles is that we have copyright law to make sure innovators get paid for their work, however, this law also keeps others from being creative. Should we protect the original artifacts intact or should we encourage the creativity? Shouldn't we modify the existing copyright law to accommodate both needs? This is an interesting topic to work on. I am doing this for my conceptual essay. After this essay, I will have more clear view of how new technology encounters its copyright issue.

  2. Wow Dr. K, I had no idea there was so many rules regarding copyright and the classroom. Thanks for posting.
